Smoothie King Center Sports Fan Tips

Smoothie King Center is a venue in or near New Orleans that is most often used for Basketball

Directions to Smoothie King Center?

Google maps is your best option!

Best insider tip for Smoothie King Center?

Enjoy yourself as much as possible and don't over indulge!

Smoothie King Center seating?

There are good seats everywhere thanks to it being a pretty small stadium. I like sitting courtside but it is expensive so I would try to sit in the second level which is the best bang for the buck.

Best giveaways at Smoothie King Center?

The best give away that I have ever received was catching free t-shirts, but I have a mild obsession with t-shirts.

Dealing with scalpers at Smoothie King Center?

I have dealt with scalpers on a few occasions. You want to look for a more presentable person, but their prices have always been reasonable for waiting until the last minute.

Safety at Smoothie King Center?

Safety is the number one concern for the city of New Orleans! With that in mind, try not to be too shocked by the large amount of police and security around the place.

Best bars near Smoothie King Center?

I am found of The Rusty Nail, but if that is not to your liking just walk out of the door and you will find a new one to try.

Smoothie King Center parking?

There is a parking tower, but your best bet would be to pay for parking in one of the many lots in the surrounding area. Just stick to the main lighted areas for the best safety. The prices range anywhere from 20-50ish dollars, but it saves yourself hours of traffic when leaving from the parking towers.

What to expect from the Smoothie King Center crowd?

The best way to describe the crowds is a controlled Mardi Gras. There are more local people, so you will make many friends. Even if you are there for the opposing team.

Best restaurants near Smoothie King Center?

It is New Orleans, there something yummy for everyone at every restaurant.

Artifacts to look for at Smoothie King Center?

The fans, as there is nothing more important beside the team.

Best food and drink at Smoothie King Center?

I never had a bad food item or drink, but I always fill up on the great wonders that Nola offers.

Stores to hit up at Smoothie King Center?

They have a fan store in the center, but you will find your best shopping in the city.

Things to check out around Smoothie King Center?

NEW ORLEANS...that is all that needs to be said as there is just not enough space for me to give you a detailed list!

Traffic around Smoothie King Center?

Traffic is the worst after a game or event is finished, try to get there early to avoid the worst of the arrival traffic.