Best Insider tip at Stade Geoffroy-Guichard?

Stade Geoffroy-Guichard is a venue in or near Saint Etienne that is most often used for Soccer

This is a stadium that has seen a lot of football over the years and a lot of greatness – therefore why not indulge in a little bit of history and go on a tour of the clubs museum! Here you can relieve some of Saint-Ettiene's greatest days in the sun – as well as their journey over the last few years back into European football and as a genuine contender in Ligue 1. Tickets are €7 for adults and €5 for children!

You are going to Stade Geoffroy-Guichard? Lucky you! You're about to live an experience like you'll maybe never live again. It is THE day for you to invest in face painting, funny hats and some really noisy instruments. Ambiance is one of the craziest in the world, so don't be shy. Get ready to live it and participate in it as well. And most important : Allez les verts!