Things to check out around Lerkendal Stadion?

Lerkendal Stadion is a venue in Trondheim

There are many great sights to see nearby the Lerkendal Stadion as it is very close to the centre of the city. The Nidarosdomen is an amazing cathedral and it is the national sanctuary of Norway. Builders started working on it in approximately 1070 and it wasn't finished until 1300. It got ravaged by a fire and was in ruins for hundreds of years before it was restored in 1869.If you are interested in music, Ringe Museum is a great place for you to check out. It's a museum that is focused on music and musical instruments. You are able to see and hear amazing live demonstration of historical instruments, go through musical history and walk around the stunning botanical gardens.

Trondheim is known as an intimate yet big city, and the fact that it has a student population of over 30,000 keeps the city vibrant and trending - always good ingredients for a trip away.It is an extremely cycle friendly city with plenty of bike paths throughout the town – even having a bike lift in the old town! You can also ride out to the beautiful Norwegian nature at Bymarka.Music is very much a part of the Norwegian culture and there is always some festival or another happening in the city.